

Welcome to Geocomputation. This module offers a deep dive into the principles of spatial analysis while providing a thorough introduction to programming. Over the next ten weeks, you will explore the theory, methods, and tools of spatial analysis through engaging case studies. You will gain hands-on experience in sourcing, managing, and cleaning spatial, demographic, and socioeconomic datasets, and apply core spatial analysis techniques to interpret them.


Moodle serves as the central hub for GEOG0030, where you will find all essential module information, including key details about assessments. This workbook provides links to all required reading materials and contains the content for each computer tutorial.

Module overview

The topics covered over the next ten weeks are:

Week Section Topic
1 Core Spatial Analysis Programming for Spatial Analysis
2 Core Spatial Analysis Analysing Point Data
3 Core Spatial Analysis Spatial Queries and Geometric Operations
4 Core Spatial Analysis Spatial Autocorrelation
5 Core Spatial Analysis Spatial Models
Reading week Reading week
6 Applied Spatial Analysis Raster Models
7 Applied Spatial Analysis Geodemographics
8 Applied Spatial Analysis Transport Network Analysis
9 Data Visualisation Complex Visualisations
10 Data Visualisation Beyond the Choropleth


Spatial analysis can provide valuable insights into geographical relationships, though it can be challenging, especially when combined with learning to programme. You may encounter error messages, software crashes, and spend time identifying bugs in your code. However, the skills you gain in solving complex spatial problems through programming will be well worth the effort.

For specific assistance with this module, you can:

  • Ask a question at the end of lectures or during computer practicals.
  • Refer to the Moodle assessment tab for queries about module assessments.
  • Attend the scheduled Geocomputation Additional Support Hours.
  • Book a slot during our Academic Support and Feedback hours.


This year’s workbook is compiled using:

This year’s workbook also takes inspiration and design elements from:

Major updates

This year’s version features the following major updates:

  • Second full rewrite of the workbook using Quarto.
  • Improved alignment with GEOG0018 Methods in Human Geography.
  • New material on geocoding, spatial models, geodemographic classification, and data visualisation.
  • Introduction of package management using renv.