11 Data Sources

Below you will find a list of resources that you might want to explore when sourcing data for your coursework assignment or your dissertation. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but simply contains some suggestions of websites that you may want to use.

You are not limited to using these datasets for your coursework assignment or your dissertation.

11.2 Safeguarded Data

Undergraduate students can also apply for a Safeguarded dataset held by the Consumer Data Research Centre. There is a process to access these Safeguarded datasets, which is detailed on the CDRC website. Please be aware that it normally takes 4-5 weeks for your application to be processed.

As part of the process, you will need to say in your application why you want that specific dataset and what you are planning to do with it. You will also need to have at least thought about the ethical implications of using that data and provide this with your data application (alongside your standard ethics application).

Some of the datasets held by the CDRC that you can apply for are:

Given that the application can take several weeks, the Safeguarded CDRC datasets may be useful for your dissertation work but probably not for the GEOG0030 coursework assignment. However, any of the CDRC datasets that are marked as Open Data do not require this application process and you can download these datasets directly after registering on the website.