
Welcome to Advanced Topics in Social and Geographic Data Science, one of the elective modules for the MSc in Geographic and Social Data Science here at UCL Geography.This module has been designed as an advanced topics module to learn data science concepts and methods and to apply them in the domains of social science and geography.

The first half of the module introduces a variety of important concepts such as statistical inference, deep learning, and convolutional neural networks. We will end with a keynote lecture from Carto on Spatial Data Science. In the second half of the module, we will introduce you to the practical skills of being a data scientists including an introduction to databases, unix-tools and web visualisation (a data sciencist’s toolbox). We hope this module can provide you with the necessary knowledge in becoming a social and geographic data scientist in the future.

Weekly topics

Week Date Topic Moodle GitHub
1 11/01/2021 Introduction to SocGeoDataScience x
2 18/01/2021 Statistical Inference and Causality x
3 25/01/2021 GeoAI: Introduction to Deep Learning x
4 01/02/2021 Keynote: Spatial Data Science (Carto) x
5 08/02/2021 GeoAI: Convolutional Neural Networks x
reading week
6 22/02/2021 GeoAI: Spatial Data Science Applications x
7 01/03/2021 GeoAI: Spatial-Temporal Mobility Analysis x
8 08/03/2021 Data Sciencist’s Toolbox: Unix Tools x
9 15/03/2021 Data Sciencist’s Toolbox: Web Visualisation x
10 22/03/2021 A look into the future of SocGeoDataScience x


All important information and communication in relation to this module will be provided on Moodle. Even though some of the short lecture videos and practical materials will be hosted on this webpage, do check on Moodle regularly to see if there are any updates or important messages.

Useful additional resources

Besides the mandatory and recommended reading for this course, there are some additional resources that are worth checking out:

  1. MIT’s introduction course on mastering the command line: The Missing Semester of Your CS Education

  2. A useful tool to unpack command line instructions: explainshell.com

  3. Online resource to develop and check your regular expressions: regexr.com

  4. Selecting colour palettes for your map making and data visualisation: colorbrewer 2.0

Office hours

Office hours with Dr Justin van Dijk (Tuesdays between 15h00 and 16h00) can be booked here.